Flying Ring
1-3 hours
Ages 8+
What Will You Learn?
3D-print it, spin it up to 30,000 RPM, and watch it take off like a rocket! The Dremel Devil is a 3D-printed fan that you launch from your high-speed rotary tool to soar up to 200 feet. Grab the file and get printing! Read more about this project on MAKEzine.
Print Files
Check out thingiverse.com/thing:266035 or download the files:

Never put fingers or other precious objects near the spinning flyer. Always aim the rotary tool and flyer away from people and property, and stand clear of the sides of the tool, since some 3D prints could fail when spun at high speeds, flinging debris to the sides.
Using Your Print
The Dremel Devil was modeled in inches, so if your slicer program defaults to millimeters, you’ll need to scale up the part.
The Flying Fan Dremel Adapter needs to be super glued or epoxied to a 1″ length of 1/8″ metal rod. The rod is then inserted into the Dremel tool’s chuck or collet.
If you push the Dremel Devil too hard onto the adapter, it won’t release. It takes a bit of trial and error to figure out the right amount of pressure for reliable release.
If your Dremel tool has a brake function when you switch it off, I’ve found that you can use the sudden deceleration to help the Dremel Devil release and fly farther.
What's Next?
Remix It!
How can you remake and remix the design to make it better. Can you design a new Dremel Devil from scratch? Why not check out a CAD (Computer Aided Design) program like Tinkercad or Open Scad to make your own?
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This article was originally posted on Make: on May 11, 2015 by Dan Spangler.
- 3D printer with ABS filament ABS is tougher and more durable than other filaments.
- High-speed rotary tool such as a Dremel