Sharing Camper Work
Sharing camper’s projects is a great way to celebrate their creativity. Additionally, it gives the camper’s family the opportunity to see what they are working on over the summer. Highlighting projects can help those in your community discover Maker Camp and the Maker Movement. And, of course, many campers love to see their work shared. It can be very motivating and empowering! Here are some great ways to share your camper’s projects this summer.
Social Media
Share photos and videos on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Tik Tok, and other sites using #MakerCamp.
Digital Portfolio
Create a portfolio or gallery of camp projects on a website (like Google Sites). Or use an app like SeeSaw, Padlet, Wakelet or Flipgrid to collect their work.
Virtual Experience
Create a virtual gallery of camper projects in Minecraft, on a Mozilla Hubs, or on Gathr.
Broadcast It
Create a YouTube or Vimeo channel to share clips from camp, or start a podcast featuring camper voices and ideas.
Old School
Get to know a Maker in your community. Learn what they do and how they do it. Write a story about this Maker and share it with us.
In Person Events
Consider hosting a School Maker Faire or Gallery Night to feature camper’s work.
Safety First
Make sure you have permission to post photos that may include your campers or use editing apps to blur or block their faces. Never use their full name and location when posting on social media. We’ve drafted a sample photo release that you can use as well.
Build Community
Follow fellow Maker Camp Sites and ask them to follow you. Be sure to like and comment on their campers’ work. Looking for other camps to follow? Meet other leaders in the Maker Camp Community Group on make.co or follow Maker Camp on social media to see who we feature.