Keep It Campy

Summer is a unique time of year for most of your campers: months of unstructured time and free play, and Maker Camp fits right into the spirit of the season. There’s no reason you can’t sample some of the best parts of traditional summer camp.

You can have fun with the metaphor of summer camp itself by introducing campy elements and giving them a maker twist:

  • Get outside, or bring the outside in. Take advantage of WiFi and long Ethernet cables. Collect natural materials to have on hand and add ambiance. Pitch a tent in your space.

  • Stay playful with active games, get-to-know-you icebreakers, and funny personal nicknames.

  • Give your camp a unique identity and celebrate your name and logo with T-shirts, flags, and swag.

  • Camp Legends! Post pics of what you made onto the Maker Camp Community Group to create a Camper Wall of Fame!

  • Campfire and Mess Hall songs. Blast favorite maker-themed sing-a-longs while campers work on their projects. (Share your playlists in the Maker Camp Community Group!)

What things we can adapt from “real” summer camps? Here are some things we remember liking best about weeks at cabins nestled in the woods.

  • meeting new friends

  • trying new things

  • challenging yourself

  • independence

  • developing greater confidence

  • getting lots of positive feedback

  • being out of your element

  • enjoying the outdoors

  • active play

  • resourcefulness (you’re out in the woods)

  • encouraging, supportive, cool counselors

  • eating in the mess hall

  • getting assigned to a random cabin

  • camp culture (crazy songs, crazy dress-up, being outrageous)

  • acculturation (belonging, wanting to come back)

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