
Project hero image


About 3 hours


You will learn to use a vice and a drill for a woodworking project.


  • General Hand Tools
  • Other Materials
  • Tools
  • Wood

Project step photo 2


Find the center

Create an "X" on one of the cardboard pieces by using a ruler to create a diagonal line from one corner of the square to the other. » Make a second diagonal line to make the "X". » Stack this square on top of your other square.
Project step photo 2
Project step photo 2


Drill holes

Using an awl (or another pointy object), punch a hole in the center of the "X". » Make 4 more holes along the "X" lines about 1/2" inch from each of the corners. » Using a 25/64" drill bit and a vise, drill holes in each cardboard square where you marked the holes.
Project step photo 2
Project step photo 2


Build cardboard-dowel cube

Cut 4 dowel rods that are 2.5" each. » Stick a rod into each corner of a cardboard square. » Place the second cardboard square on the free ends of the rods so that you create a cube. » Use hot glue to secure each dowel-cardboard joint. » Feed the 9" rod through the center holes of the cube. » Secure it to the cube with hot glue, making sure you leave 1" of length above the cube on one side.
Project step photo 2
Project step photo 2


Glue sticks to wood.

Glue two craft sticks between 2 small blocks of wood (approximately 1"x2"x3" each).
Project step photo 2
Project step photo 2



Drill a hole about an inch and a half in from the edge of each of the longer wood pieces using a 13/32 inch drill bit and a vise. » Slide the longer wooden pieces onto the dowel on either ends of dowel-cardboard cube. » Glue the block with the craft sticks onto the longer wooden blocks opposite to the cardboarddowel cube (make sure to glue it in a position so that the craft sticks don't block the dowels too much).
Project step photo 2
Project step photo 2


Add a handle

Drill about 1.5" inches into the center of your remaining small block on the smaller face (1"x2") with a 25/64" drill bit. » Add glue into the hole you just made then slide the dowel in there, use a hammer to help you if necessary. » Wrap sandpaper around a scrap piece of wood to help you sand the edges off the handle.
Project step photo 2
Project step photo 2


Finish it up

Wrap some masking tape around the end of the matraca where the craft sticks are glued.

Please Note

Your safety is your own responsibility, including proper use of equipment and safety gear, and determining whether you have adequate skill and experience. Power tools, electricity, and other resources used for these projects are dangerous, unless used properly and with adequate precautions, including safety gear and adult supervision. Some illustrative photos do not depict safety precautions or equipment, in order to show the project steps more clearly. Use of the instructions and suggestions found in Maker Camp is at your own risk. Maker Media, Inc., disclaims all responsibility for any resulting damage, injury, or expense.

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