Crazy Circuits LEGO Ambulance

Project hero image


Less than 30 min.


Add flashing lights and visual effects to your LEGO projects using Crazy Circuits components. We’re adding flashing emergency lights to our LEGO ambulance using a couple of Crazy Circuits parts, conductive tape, and a battery! This project can easily be applied to all sorts of LEGO builds.


  • Conductive Tape
  • Electronics
  • LEDs
  • Other Materials
  • Upcycled / Recycled materials

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Project step photo 2


Build Your LEGO Project

Before you add your electronics you'll want to build your LEGO project. In our case we're using an old LEGO ambulance that we have. No matter what project you build you'll want to have a large, flat, area to work with. We removed all the embellishments from the top of our ambulance to make things easier. Along the same lines, if you've got a BIG project you can always run tape from one part of the project to another. It doesn't matter how long your tape lines are, just that they're hooked up to the proper holes on the Blink/Fade Board.
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Understanding the Electronics

This diagram shows various ways that we can hook up our project. For ease of use in this write up we'll be using a Screw Terminal and AA battery holder, however, you can easily use a CR2032 battery holder instead. You'll just run tape inside the ambulance.
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Lay Out Parts

Lay your parts on top of your Ambulance. Make sure they're lined up in the same orientation. Remember, the white holes on a Crazy Circuits component are Negative. If you hook up a part backward it won't work.
Project step photo 2
Project step photo 2


Connect VCC and GND

Cut some strips of Maker Tape. Run them from one of the white Ground (GND) holes to the back of your ambulance. Do the same with the VCC holes. Ideally you'll want to put down tape first and then your Crazy Circuits parts on top of the tape, however you can also just run the tape over the top of the holes. Just make sure you're not connecting more than one at the same time.
Project step photo 2


Connect The LEDs

Next, we'll connect the LEDs. You'll be running one line of tape from Hole 3 to one of your LEDs, and then Hole 4 to the other. Using a small piece of tape, connect a white hole on one LED to the white hole on the other. Lastly you'll connect either of the remaining white Ground holes on your LEDs to one of the two remaining white Ground holes on the Blink/Fade Board. Then put your parts on.
Project step photo 2


Connect Battery

As mentioned before, we're using a Screw Terminal with a AAA battery holder to power our ambulance, however you can also use a Crazy Circuits CR2032 component. To do this run two longer pieces of tape down into your ambulance. (Remember, Maker Tape is conductive on top and bottom, so you can just overlap two pieces if your strip isn't long enough.) Connect them to a flat spot in your ambulance (or make a flat spot by using a 2x6 plate or brick) and connect it with the battery holder. Your LEDs should now be blinking back and forth!


There are many ways to make this project or similar projects. The best part about LEGO is that it’s so adaptable, which means you can try any number of combinations!

Please Note

Your safety is your own responsibility, including proper use of equipment and safety gear, and determining whether you have adequate skill and experience. Power tools, electricity, and other resources used for these projects are dangerous, unless used properly and with adequate precautions, including safety gear and adult supervision. Some illustrative photos do not depict safety precautions or equipment, in order to show the project steps more clearly. Use of the instructions and suggestions found in Maker Camp is at your own risk. Maker Media, Inc., disclaims all responsibility for any resulting damage, injury, or expense.

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